1 definition by •°.Random_Humanoid.°•

So I've seen what people think of the name Trinity.
I'm meant to be beautiful and every guy I like should like me.
Welp.... I'm not. I'm simple not shy. Intelligent in some areas as well. Live with a curvy body but I'm not extremely attractive. Sure most of my guy friends end up liking me as well as my female one's.

Weren't not popular we just know a lot of people. We're stupid when it comes to love.... We fall, hard. We don't realise how deep we are till it's over.... We're chill, normal people. Not huge party animals just normal. I know this because.... I'm Trinity.
Girl 1: "Did you see Trinity, she's such a tomboy"

Girl 2: "Leave her alone, she's my best friend!"
by •°.Random_Humanoid.°• January 1, 2019
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