1 definition by ||||||||||||||||||||\\\

A small continent neighboring Asia by land and Africa by the Mediterranean

A continent that seems to have mastered how education should be dealt with. Has a fairly decent agenda of knowledge unlike the opposite of the Atlantic, but does not overwhelm themselves with loads of knowledge. (unlike Asia)

A continent that once could dominate the rest of the world with a fraction of its military power, but is now overwhelmingly inferior in that same aspect to the nations they once ravaged.

A continent with the highest standard of living in one side, and starving beggars in the other.

A continent whose only economical refuge is Nokia, which will probably disappear into oblivion as well. The technological market has been throughly consumed by Korea and Japan, and everything else by China and USA.

The birthplace of nearly all modern beliefs. Credited with their ingenious insights on the humanities and the sciences.

A confusing place that provided the underlying ideals for anti-racism, (i.e. Natural Law) but houses too much racists

A continent that still believes that they are the best in the world.
Europe has been dead since the last Great War.
by ||||||||||||||||||||\\\ December 21, 2004
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