2 definitions by [YOLO-2020]

A fluffy cute Penguin, which was the primary food source of Uuggaa back in the days of tube screens and intel pentiums. Their internet is exceptionally bad and they are not leaving their den very often.

Survival strategies include vampirism and wearing fluffy jumpsuits.

Awkward behaviour included!
Oh up there flies a Penguin Styx,look! you can see his ... handbag
by [YOLO-2020] February 10, 2020
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A very fluffy and flauschi Pengu originating from Steinzeitmensch Uuggaa mit big clubs.

Maybe it is even an AlterEgo, which is due to the unique rarity of this species still hard to say.

OwO, so cuuutee, 1000/10
OwO look up there flies a PenguStyx , you can see his flauschi handbag
by [YOLO-2020] February 3, 2020
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