3 definitions by @Spy_nudes

Penisting is the act of painting with the penis
Example: me and my buddy were penisting and ended up having rough anal sex

by @Spy_nudes August 11, 2020
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Wing Wang is a Chinese Karen who is commonly annoying but unlike Karen Wing Wang has Chinese accent
Wing Wang said: china numba wan

by @Spy_nudes August 11, 2020
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The are many cock Methods for example.

First method
1.). The act of Penisting.

Second method
2.) The act of cock fight with someone by cock meaning penis.

Last method

3.) The act of puting penis in someones ass and spinning like an helicopter.
1.) Me and my friend went to penisting.

2.) Me and senpai had a cock fight .

3.) Me and my try the cock method her ass was torn.

-@spy nudes
by @Spy_nudes August 11, 2020
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