1 definition by >:{D

Bleach is a cleaning detergent.

Bleach is also an anime/manga series that steals from Naruto, but it is still relatively good.

The plot is some orange-haired kid named Ichigo who discovers a flat-chested girl named Rukia, and gets some crazy powers, called Shinigami powers.

Rukia gets kidnapped by her crazy older brother but not older brother, Byakuka, and gets locked in a tower and does virtually nothing for like, a hundred chapters.

Ichigo, and a bunch of other people, go to save Rukia. Turns out some talking cat is actually a woman who wears a safety-glow orange top!

Then, apparently, there's this plot about going to a hollow world or something like that after they save Rukia, but I didn't read far enough, since I found the series utterly boring and the best part was No Name or whatever the hell that big-nosed hollow was called.

It contains a wonderful cast of characters, including the Hunny and Mori (OHHC) of the Soul Society, a hollow that enjoys raping people, a girl with an amazingly large chest, and emo kid who sews and is so not gay and a man who resembles an oreo cookie except ugly as hell, no where near reaching Zetsu's (Naruto) level of attractiveness or coolness. In passing, this oreo man acts like even more of a pedophile than the Mori of the Soul Society.

Watch Bleach if you want a cast of characters that pretty good, a plot that drags out incredibly long and if you want to see ridiculously fake injuries.

Read if you want the raping hollow (who is horribly tuned down in the anime) and yet again, good cast of characters and overly long plot.
Person1: People only like Bleach because of the big boobs and hot Shinigami.


Person1: Suuuuuuuuuuure.
by >:{D January 9, 2008
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