1 definition by <3 :D <3

peace in latin, usually with blonde hair and blue eyes, tall, the sweetest person you will ever meet. will always be there for you no matter what. is tall, lean, a very religious, kind hearted guy. is loved by all. thinks of others before himself. trustworthy, cute as a button. very athletic. can do anything when he sets his mind to it. always has something to talk about. never is awkward. wanted by all girls. will always have your back in a disagreement, doesn't judge people until he meets for him self. creative. spontaneous, outgoing, intelligent, relaxed, never wants to grow up, dependent, is there for you when your sad. hilarious. great personality. truthful, loving and caring,best friend you could ever ask for. straight up with people. has a way with words. lucky, is everything a girl could ask for or want. adventurous, happy all the time, hardworking, the true definition of a bro, doesnt get into trouble. doesnt give into peerr pressure. is his own person. absolutely wonderful, close with family. lax bro, lax is his life, redskins fan:D
by <3 :D <3 October 13, 2011
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