1 definition by :)...-____

A strong girl that is independent and can take care of herself. She is there when you need her and you can always count on her to help you out. She is tough and strong like a powerful rock and hard to break. She is an amazing friend and I know I can count on her!! She is really smart and educated on multiple topics. She has a lot of wisdom most people her age don't contain. She is pretty and has pleasing eyes. Her facial features are as pretty as a picture and don't forget about her lovely personality!! Hajar is one of a kind and if you're friends with her you're really lucky!! I'm blessed to have a Hajar in my life!!
Person 1: Hey I just met that person she was really nice but I never got her name.
Person 2: oh that was Hajar!

Person 1: Hmm I don't understand this.

Person 2: Ask Hajar shes very wise!
by :)...-____ July 28, 2020
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