9 definitions by (( ({>O<}) ))

The name of a certain age group, usually between the ages of 9-14. "Tween" is another word for "Pre-teen", and is a modern word used commonly these days. Tweens are the age group in between 'children' and 'teenagers'.

Negative definition:
Depending on the maturity, tweens are usually 9-14 years of age. It is the hardest stage of life. These days, tweens try to fit in with the crowd, and keep up with things such as clothes and electronics, dramatically. They try to act mature, even though what they are doing is not mature at all. People in this age group who actually act like themselves are the cool ones, and shouldn't be known as a tween, but instead a pre-teen.

1. Watch Disney Channel;
2. Like retarded famous people, such as: Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, etc;
3. Buy their clothes from Supre, and buy their jewellery from Diva;
4. Play netball, basketball, or in some countries: cheerleading;
5. Have iPods and all of the up-to-date songs (no matter how much the songs don't suit the person);
6. (Australian tweens) have slight American accents;
7. Go on MSN instead of Facebook;
8. Must talk to friends on MSN instead of ringing them up.
1. Jodi: I hate my little sister Jordana. I was in the middle of watching Family Guy, then I left the room to get myself more salad when the commercials started. Then she entered the house with 3 of her bitchy friends. When I got back to the lounge room they had changed it to Disney Channel and were watching the retarded show Sonny With A Chance. She just has to watch it 24/7.
Rockford: What a tween she is.

2. Tweens on MSN:
Tiff: hEy OlIvIa!@!@!!11
Olivia: OMG HeY tIfF i HaVeNt HeArD fRoM u In LiKe DaYs!!@
Tiff: YeH!!! wE sHoUlD rLlY cAtCh Up!!!#!@!%@
Olivia: YyYyYeEeEeHhHhHh!!!!!!@@!!@!!1!!!1
Tiff: LiKe LeTs Go 2 ThE mOoOoViEs 2 C cAmP RoCk!!!!!@!
Tiff: k ThAtS lIkE sOoOoOoO tOtAlLy AwSoMe!! CyA tHeRe!!! AnD bY dA wAy CaN uR nIcKnAmE bE pIv InStEaD oF lIv!?????!!??
Olivia: yeehhhh Gr8 IdEa!!1 I lIkE dA sOuNd Of DaT nAmE!!!! iT sOuNdS lIkE pErV!!!!
Tiff: I kNoW rIte!?
Olivia: K....i WiLl CyA aT dA mOvIeS!!
Tiff: biiiii biiii PiV!!
Olivia: CyA l8Er TiFf!!!!!!!!!
Tiff: MwAaAaA.......xoxoxoxoxo
Olivia: xoxoxoxoxx
Tiff: HaHaAaahaaha!!
Olivia: hAHa lol!
Tiff: oK cYa @ CaMp RoCk MoViE!
Olivia: k ByEeEEeEe xoxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxoxxooxxpxxo
by (( ({>O<}) )) October 10, 2009
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A small cafe located in Balaclava, Melbourne.

It is a great socializing place for people to catch up as well.
People who go to The Wall mainly go there to have a chat with their mates over a cup of coffee.

The food there isn't too fancy, and mainly home-made foods, eg: toast with jam, hot chocolate. Otherwise, the customers don't care if the food is too average, as long as they have their mates there to chat with.
On a saturday morning:
Bobert: Hey mate, it's Saturday morning, wanna grab the usual cup o' Joe and catch up today?
Bruce: At The Wall, you mean?
Bobert: No shit.
Bruce: Ok mate, I'll be there at 10am.

Dan: So she was all like "Danny! Get me a towel!"...
Waitor: What would you too like today?
Gary: Oh ya know, just the usual coffee.
Dan: Yeh whatever, same.
Waitor: Alrighty then.
Dan: So anyway as I was saying...
by (( ({>O<}) )) October 10, 2009
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