1 definition by '][' |-| 3 \/ | L L 3

Annual celebration that takes place the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It is a celebration of everything that isn't celebrated on thanksgiving and most importantly it is a day that counter acts to downer of spending Thanksgiving with family you do not like. Dankfest is identical to Thanksgiving in that there is an abundance of high quality food items that each patron is required to bring. Focus is placed on excessive drinking and drug use, the danker the better. Usually limited to friends and not family, unless it is cool family that are fun to hang out with. Being a Louisville Cardinal fan is also recommend but not required. Dankfest will be celebrating its 10th year tomorrow on 11-22-09
Hey, were going to the Louisville game to watch Peyton Siva ball out. Could you go ahead and take my lasagna to Dankfest for me and put a blunt in the air to say sorry that I am late.
by '][' |-| 3 \/ | L L 3 November 21, 2009
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