1 definition by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$=Redding

Not to be confused with Redding, CA. Redding,CT is home to rich preppy kids who have nothing better to do then, spend there parents money on just about anything they want. It's not uncommon to see teenagers driving around in Range Rovers or Porsches. Also the high school is shared with kids from the neighboring town of Easton,CT. Athletics plays a large roll in campus life at the high school. But who cares everyone has a 4.5 gpa except the kids that do pot and come to school wasted. Those kids are just a bad reflection on this rich town. Show me a town in FC that doesn't have drug problems.
Redding,CT Kid: We have some druggies at are high school

Ridgefeild/Wilton/New Canaan kid: Are high school is perfect we have no druggies

Redding kid: thats not true
by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$=Redding August 25, 2010
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