3 definitions by #fuckingstupid

Mustard packet

A stack of 100 hundred dollar bills, so called because of the mustard yellow band around the stack.
Addict: How much is the blow gonna run me?
Dealer: Gonna be 2 mustard packets, son
Addict: 20k? Aight
by #fuckingstupid June 14, 2017
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Bottle heavy

"Ey homie, come thru, this party be active as fuck!"
Shits bottle heavy?
"Hell yeah, shots for days
by #fuckingstupid June 3, 2017
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deys wet

Dope ass pair of shoes
Can also be used as "Dems Wet"
Damn son, where you get those kicks? Deys wet
by #fuckingstupid June 15, 2017
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