2 definitions by #UFOTwitter

The urge to explain every UAP as a Chinese or Mexican Cartel drone.
Condorman recently had to explain to his interns that had been Greenstreeted that in fact the 2004 Tic Tac was not a Chinese drone.
by #UFOTwitter September 8, 2021
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A more insidious form of mansplaining. In this case Mick West will proceed against all logic to explain to one what they experienced. In the Marvel Universe Mick West attained a form of Bizaro Clairvoyance while spinning in his office chair programming Tony Hawk to do 1020 rotations in mundane spaces. The constant spinning had an effect on his inner ear. Coupled with the lack of sleep from trying to meet corporate deadlines Mick entered an altered state sometime in late 2002. He has never fully awakened from that dream state, as he continues to explain to people what the reality they experienced really was.
Here is a case of Lue Elizondo getting the Micksplain by the man himself after recounting how a team of engineers investigated the videos released: "The reason Go Fast is claimed as something extraordinary is that Elizondo or his associates did not do the math. They assumed it showed what it looked like, and hence you end up with it being shown on "Unidentified" as a super-fast cold object. So he got kind of locked in."
by #UFOTwitter May 23, 2021
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