2 definitions by #BrodoSwagginz

An unholy mass gathering of virgins everywhere.
Person 1: Hey dude, what's your virgin level.
Person 2: I'm virgin level 87.
Person 1: You should play World of Warcraft with me.
by #BrodoSwagginz January 3, 2013
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Generally females in the age group of 12-17 who participate in the social medium which is familiar to hipsters and food fanatics: Instagram. Instawhores compete against each other to take the most revealing photos of themselves. These photos are usually followed-up by numerous amounts of hashtags (such as '#Swag' and '#YOLO').
Jess: Hey Krystal, let's have a competition to see who can take the most amount of pictures of ourselves with barely any clothes on before our accounts get reported.

Krystal: Oh my gosh! That would be so awesome! We're gonna be such Instawhores. YOLO!
by #BrodoSwagginz January 3, 2013
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