1 definition by "The Party Killa"

Is a a mild infection sort of like the common cold. That maybe contracted through visiting various stores ie... Walmart, Family Dollar, Bodegas, or anywhere Quest is accepted. When contracted with the infection. You tend to do "IGNANT" S**T like going out in public with attire such as: SCARFS on YO HEAD, PAJAMA PANTS, & other CRAZY s**T that SET African-Americans back another 400 years. There is a CURE, but it's in a BOOK, & people that have "RATCHETNESS" are ALLERGIC 2 BOOKS! also look under the term: "NI**ASHIT"
BoomSheeka went into Walmart in Midtown with a bad case of Ratchetness.
by "The Party Killa" September 10, 2009
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