5 definitions by dodgedopesnakeslitherwoahnoah

Server-Hopping is an action of jumping from one server to another on a online game, for misc reasons (usually to get some kind of prize)
A: bro i've been trying for so long to get the ULTIMATE GAMER CRATE, how am i supposed to join the game 70 times in a week?

B: have you tried server-hopping?

A: what the hell is that
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dodgedopesnakeslitherwoahnoahboahahackevinopelephantelevisionickelaughteravecolingeringrainooopringlackoffensivelephadeadadudeeezing is a mix of words amazing, wonderfull, epic, long and interesting
woah dude that snake is dodgedopesnakeslitherwoahnoahboahahackevinopelephantelevisionickelaughteravecolingeringrainooopringlackoffensivelephadeadadudeeezing
Get the dodgedopesnakeslitherwoahnoahboahahackevinopelephantelevisionickelaughteravecolingeringrainooopringlackoffensivelephadeadadudeeezing mug.
Wasdoors are holes left by doors after doors have been taken out
A: i am suprised that you did not walk into the wasdoor to the kitchen
B: im suprised too
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when something similar happens to you and to an another person or many.

basically just an easier way to say welcome to the club
A: This Game Is So Hard! I Can't Complete It.
B: gang gang
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