1. A happy affirmation in an imaginary fox language, invented by the writer of the Fuzzball MUCK server. The definition was confused with the definition for another word in the same imaginary language, 'yipp', and an administrator of another MUCK heavily promoted 'yiff' word in its first known sexual connotation in 1995 or later. It was only after this point that supposed origins concerning mating sounds and acronyms were invented.

2. Meant to imply feelings of sexual arousal or intent to arouse; also refers to a sexual act. Considered crass language in polite circles.
1. "Yiff!" (Happy affirmation in imaginary foxish language.)
2. "Yiff!" (I am feeling aroused.)
by nobody in particular July 23, 2004
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(Onomotopia.) A bark made by a fox when aroused. Usually referrs to the sound made by the male of the species.
The yiffs of the foxes in the field signaled a new fox family being born.
by Shanya Almafeta May 9, 2003
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So far, the best is sea salt. Can we even surpass it? We should. We can.
The fuck's a yiff?
by My_nam_SHAW262 January 22, 2021
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Yiff is the hottest type of porn because it is furries having sex
hey do you watch yiff
Hell no!
Are you sure
No im not sure, its hot
by Isaac torrent walker December 24, 2017
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The Furry Fandom's word for Sexual Intercourse, where two furs have a sexual affair. The word originates from the noise a fox creates when it mates. The phrase is used for sexual acts universally involving furries, not just specific acts.
"The lion wanted to yiff the wolf, which was blatantly obvious due to the growing package in his pants, his sheath revealing an ever-shy member."

"The wolf explained to his furry friends about how yiffy he felt by simply standing near his lion friend."

"The canine yiffed the feline in a pleasurable matter, resulting in loud purrs and murrs of great enjoyment."
by Caleb Griffith September 21, 2006
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The absolute objective best kind of porn. All giga chads and sigma males watch yiff.
Helen: "What kind of porn do you watch?"
Giuseppe: "I watch yiff"
Helen: "Oh my god please fuck me"
by YIFF MY ASS DADDY March 1, 2022
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When an insane person rapes an animatronic fox
Phone face: Employee don't yiff the fox

Employee: I'm gonna yiff the fox

Phone face: You're fired
by ButtholeTongueStuck May 26, 2021
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