When you get a bunch of free stuff on your birthday using the Yayday app.
I got a grip of free stuff on my Yayday, just for being born. You on the app yet?
by Gingeraffe_25 April 10, 2023
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It's a holiday that Cat made up from the comedy sitcom Sam & Cat. The holiday is when people give each other presents for no reason. Happy Yayday.
Did you watch the new episode Yayday of Sam & Cat
by #HiMe July 17, 2018
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The official renaming of Friday. It's combines the happy expresion of the last day of the week and the day itself.
Yay! It's Yayday!! Tonight we party and tomorrow we sleep in all day!
by ridembob October 28, 2010
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noun- term for the 15th of the month, when paychecks are spent on frivolities; orignially from the habit of spending that particular paycheck on drugs ("yayo")
"Today's yayday, so I can get outta the house and into the bar!"
by ChinkJew May 13, 2005
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