do you still think its fake when a wrestler dies while his performing (owen hart) or when a move goes wrong and a wrestler has to only perform part time (stone cold, owen hart piledriver) or when a wrestler gets thrown off a cage (undertaker and mankind) yes some of the aspects are fake but the injuries and fatalities aren't what about brock lesnar's flip where he landed on his neck is that fake id like to see u idiots go up against a kurt angle or ric flair
by wrestlemania icon October 25, 2007
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a sport in which the PAIN is real the REPRUCUSSIONS are real and the TRAINING is real. if you wana call the script fake i dont give a fuck
wwe is off tha chang
by 20grand November 2, 2007
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Wow.... WWE is a redneck sport? hehe i think u got dis shyt confused wit nascar
MR X: WWE? Ain dat a redneck sport?
MR Y: Naw u thinkin of nascar, dass a redneck physical challenges wut so eva
by Emerald June 27, 2005
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the most popular wrestling brand, ever and yes, all this backstage yelling at the other guy, hating the other guys guts, is all a fake soap opera, but the fighting is damn real. Anyway, if you watch it for the soap opera your a dumbass, long live WWE
Mat: The wwe is so fake there stupid
James: only the shitty backstage acting is fake the fighting is as real as it gets
by James Agusta November 13, 2007
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WWE is a big act put on for "entertainment", that is if you find big sweaty dudes hugging in panties entertaining. The winner is predetermined and you will witness the worst acting in your life.
Person 1: Hey, do you watch WWE?
Person 2: Hell no, it's faker than a fakey fake thing that's fake!
by alkapep August 24, 2015
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1. A professional wrestling organization that was very entertaining and fun to watch until it's chairman and his no-talent, wannabe gangsta poster boy decided to sell it out to a bunch of ignorant soccer moms and their snot-nosed, pre-pubescent 5 year old kids who know absolutely nothing about the sport.

2. An organization that has went from a respectible phenomenon to a vapid kiddie show.
WWE. No examples needed. The definition speaks for itself.
by RedDragon1985 December 23, 2010
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