3 definitions by RedDragon1985

(n.) A person who points a gun at another person, but won't pull the trigger because they don't have the heart to do it.
Person 1: Look out! That guy's got a gun!

Person 2: I know that guy. He's not gonna shoot anybody. He's nothing but a pistol player.
by RedDragon1985 December 24, 2010
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A pleasant, non-sexual way to make someone laugh, which is done by gently goosing, poking or stroking a part of the body such as the soles of the feet, underarms, tummy or ribs.
Dakota can't concentrate on her homework because her little sister keeps tickling her feet and making her laugh.
by RedDragon1985 December 22, 2010
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1. A professional wrestling organization that was very entertaining and fun to watch until it's chairman and his no-talent, wannabe gangsta poster boy decided to sell it out to a bunch of ignorant soccer moms and their snot-nosed, pre-pubescent 5 year old kids who know absolutely nothing about the sport.

2. An organization that has went from a respectible phenomenon to a vapid kiddie show.
WWE. No examples needed. The definition speaks for itself.
by RedDragon1985 December 23, 2010
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