1. The most addicting MMO since Everquest.

2. My current addiction.
Why spend loads of cash on crack when you can waste it on world of warcraft?

If MMOs were in High School, world of warcraft is the school's future homecoming king.
by Man_Of_Action June 5, 2006
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The most addictive thing you will ever encounter. The definitions you read on here are NOT bullshit, within 6 hours of playing you will be addicted. I started playing 3 months ago, forunatly about a month ago i noticed what was happening and now i only play casually (casually is still a lot, 1.5-3 hours a day). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME UNLESS YOU HAVE TREMENDOUS SELF CONTROL! I am not joking, this is the truth, please take on my advice, dont let it suck you in! Common symptoms for players:

You will lose your girlfriend, You will lose your friends, You will get constant headaches for staring at a PC screen for 18 hours a day, you will get back pain due to that posture how you sit down while playing. You will start failing your exams, you will gain weight, you will have a face full of acne, you will never have sex, you wont be able to concentrate, you will be willing to pay upwards of $3000 for a 9/9 tier 3 armour set, you will make it your lifes ambition to get full tier 3 and rank 14, basically... you have just wasted your life....

Remeber, if you are to start playing, make sure, that under no circumstance, you play more than 3 hours a day!
<WoW player>: ZOMG, i have just got level 70 on my human warrior and a flying netherdrake mount, including highest PvP rank and full teir 4 armour, i am the best player on world of warcraft realms

<normal guy>: Do you even relise that it is all just code and none of it exists in real life? 7 million losers might play WoW, but 7 BILLION people play REAL LIFE!!!
by nobullshit November 16, 2006
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Steve: Hey, Why is your loot better than mine when I play 8 hours a day, and you play only an hour a week?
Bob: Because World of Warcraft rewards everyone!
by Marc~~ March 26, 2008
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(WoW)A severe disease...symptoms include; irritability, lack of sleep, separation from others, weight loss/gain, and carpotunnel. If you may have world of warcraft... seek help immediatly.
Oh no...he got world of warcraft..."I wonder how long he has to live"
by mr. me January 15, 2007
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1. A modern day rite of passage where boys become men. World of Warcraft is a game for over-achievers who find life too easy and need more of challenge than what their daily routine provides. 2. A dosage of reality for certain relationships. A way for girlfriends to discover their true worth. These unfortunate ones must remember that anger and lashing out is the first step to recovery.
Learn to dance like a female Nightelf from World of Warcraft, THEN we'll talk. Till then don't come out of the kitchen.
by Joe February 10, 2005
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the most diabolically addictive game ever conceived
crack in the form of a CD disc
world of warcraft requires a 5-year rehabilitation program to get rid of your addiction

much different to runescape, wold of warcraft is actually good
by uzo9 May 12, 2008
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A place where people with no lives pretend to have one.
I'm going to go play 'life'(world of warcraft)!
by xmrselfdestructt February 7, 2007
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