the most awe inspiring person on the earth. wonderful musical taste, all around the best. makes your heart skip a beat when you know you're speaking to the one person in the world who makes you feel butterflies in your stomach.
i wish i was almost as smart as wobbie, he is so amazing.
by dointhisbymyself August 20, 2005
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A term used to decribe a fat womans hairy vagina. If chewbacca had a vagina that is what a wobbie would look like.
I guarantee you that girl has a wobbie in her pants!
by samwatson69 July 12, 2009
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The ability to perform stunning feats of co-ordination yet trip over a couch walking across the room.
The gymnastic floor display deserved the gold medal but tripping over the edge of the mat on the way back to her seat was totally wobby.
by Zwack October 12, 2005
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Wobby=workout buddies.There is not one single Wobby, they refer to each other as 'Wobby'. Therefore it is a title NOT a nickname. You're a 'Wobby' if you work out together, shop together, and party together. Wobby's are found mostly in cities. They laugh entirely too loud and make people around them feel awkward because they're so shameless. They get called sluts and every other name in the book, but are actually quite selective. A Wobby is often obsessed with fantasies and fairytales. Nothing pleases a Wobby.

Wobby's are fascinated with quirky things such as sloths and combat boots.
1. Did you see those drunk girls? They are such Wobby's!

2. Those Wobby's are always together!

3. Those girls aren't even laughing at anything.... they are such Wobby's.
by YeliM December 5, 2010
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To be a Shaman or a Grunt in a clan for Warcraft 3 TFT and get demoted then kicked from the channel.
I was just Wobbyed for pwning the chieften so hard!
by Warcraft 3 TFT May 26, 2008
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a derogatory term to describe a person with learning difficulties/autism/general stupidity.
by anoifhsoj March 10, 2011
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