A fit of bad temper when something is said that is completely nonsensical to the Widdes. This includes becoming completely red in the face and responding in a loud stern tone
Comment: I believe Business Cards are the highest priority for the new business unit.

Response - Throwing a Widdes: "WHAT that is the highest priority for you, that not a priority for us at all and we will not be doing that now or for a long while."
by Widdes September 13, 2012
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woman in danger of dying (similar to a waif) -an extremely skinny sickly looking woman who’s most likely anorexic/bulimic; not a compliment but people suffering from eating disorders may take it as one.
“You’re so skinny. You look like a widd.”
Since I was anorexic, this was my goal.
by 🔪 December 31, 2022
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Yo fam youre such a widdes... finish your dart and triple triple
by M1tchill October 27, 2020
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