Extremely extreme, and/or viciously intense.

NOTE: “Whippin’” is technically an informal pronunciation of the word “whipping”, but no way would anyone ever say whipping when they meant whippin’. That'd just sound silly. Plus, the word whippin’ is only used when one is excited as all heck, and in that state it's nigh impossible to say it with an ‘ing’ at the end.
“Whoa, you musta been so passed out. Cuz dude, that last band was like whippin’ loud!”

“That chick was gnarly-fast. Did you see her calves? They were whippin’ huge!
by Hap Day September 27, 2016
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to operate a vehicle. while "whip" has come to mean car, "whippin' it" means one is driving a car.
Bob- "hey man, i just got my license today!"
Jim- "no way bro, you whippin' it?"
Bob- "Nah man, i'm still saving up for a car."
by lboulay November 18, 2010
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The process of converting cocain to crack
Youngin: Where you gettin youre money from
Dope Boy: I stay whippin that snow
by Fryend5 February 12, 2010
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irish slang. something thats totally cool. used in spontinaity to a good turn of events. used in the same context as 'savage'
"you got yourself a woman?, whippin!", or "that session was only whippin last night"
by Chris Fitzgerald July 15, 2005
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Intoxicated state. When things can't get much better. To peak.
Man I'm whippin'. Give it to him instead.
by Ravishing Rick Rude October 28, 2006
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