Illegal immigrants from Mexico who try to swim/ferry through the river illegally. They're the ones that make all hispanics look like idiots.
by Anonymous September 26, 2003
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Another name for Latin Americans living in the United States.
Why don't wetbacks barbecue? The beans keep falling through the grill.
by urbanlingo101 April 23, 2011
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A word that refer to all mexican fools
Look at that wetback with all those kids.

That wetback think he gangster.

It's a whole lot of Wetbacks in here.

Look at that Wetback getting his food stamps.
by Wetback killer August 13, 2009
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1. A slang term used to describe illegal aliens of Mexican heritage.

2. Alcoholics

3. Cheap labor

4. High pork and beef diet
That fucking wetback sold be these oranges.
by RipDaJacka April 6, 2008
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1.The reason the USA is becoming a third-world country.
2.a lousy mexican that is stealing american jobs and living off the governmaent.
I'm sick of these wetbacks coming over here and living for free and voting when they have no right to do so.
by h8er of mexikanz November 14, 2012
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Term used to describe the majority of Mexicans in the USA that come here illegally. They can be characterized as being dirty, rude, and completely unwilling to learn any English. They also protest to our government, because they feel, for some reason, that the USA owes illegals something. They pay no taxes, collect free health care, and are just a general leech on our country as a whole.
I cant get medical care for my family, but those wetbacks, get it for free.
by fukallillegals May 22, 2007
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if you have 32 cousins, your most likely a wetback.
by Mojado! Mojado! March 22, 2009
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