A western cheeseburger is an extremely delicious, albeit unhealthy fast food. A western cheeseburger is like a regular cheeseburger, having 1-3 hamburger patties, each with cheese, but in addition has some sort of tangy barbeque sauce on the top and most of the time, 2 or so onion rings below the patties. This creates a delightful mixture of tangy sauce and the light crunch of the onion ring.
Yeah so its a good thing I'm broke because I'm pretty sure if I had a lot of money I'd eat western cheeseburgers until they killed me. Oh what a glorious death that would be!
by Skeeter McDougal October 2, 2005
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A new cheeseburger from Carls Jr. that, when eaten or injected into the veins after blending, will transform you into a deranged, invisible murder.
Kevin Bacon Western Cheeseburgers are great to eat before skinny dipping if you are dissatisfied with your figure.
by iateallofthecereal December 7, 2010
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When your girlfriend eats a Western Bacon Cheeseburger, then during sex you mount her while she's taking a shit
"I just pulled a Western Bacon Cheeseburger on my girlfriend"
by sonic12576 August 3, 2016
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