A Warlock is someone who made a deal with a being of great power, hereby referred to as a patron, for magic. They are considered mages.
Warlocks have powers based on who the patron is. (fire patron=fire powers)

Males and female can call themselves a warlock.
A warlock cast a spell,

and then ran out of spell slots.
by lordgrim the invcbke October 12, 2020
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Something massive in size,huge,humongous.Beastly in nature.
(Guys sitting around see a girl with rather large tits)
Guy:Damn, look at those warlocks!
by Sharon Needles January 4, 2008
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A powerful summoner who used to be a mage, then decided not to suck.
OMG liek i try to sheep you den felhunter devour magic and spell lox ma fire magic den you jus liek dot and liek fear and den if i get a few lucky crits u jus deathcoil me!!! NERF WARLOCKS!!!
by lollersausages January 17, 2007
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Overly large breasts that bring attention to them very quikly and easily.
Dude, that new girl has some fat warlocks.
by d@v!d J0hn September 29, 2008
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1.To nerf something
, or the act of nerfing something

---The defintion came about from the world of warcraft, where the warlock class was continuously nerfed every patch since beta.
Man1: Dude, thanks to the assault weapons ban, I can't get an assault rifle, instead I have to settle with a handgun.
Man2: hahahhahaha dude you've been warlocked
by Anduin April 14, 2005
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Natural progression of the wizard. After reaching the ripe old age of sixty, wizards evolve into warlocks.
New 4chan user: hey op, u a wizard?
OP: check yur privilege fag, im a warlock
by FrostyJack December 11, 2015
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Plump breasts, which are typically quite large, and are usually reminisced upon while at a social function such as a hang out or backyard chit-chat.
"Did you see those warlocks?"

"Bro, those are some true warlocks"
by Jeremiah Turtles-Run October 1, 2009
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