Waris is a bad man. Waris eats bricks and kicks baby ducks into volcanos. DO NOT TRUST ANYBODY NAMED WARIS. THEY ARE ONE OF THE WORST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET.
by Stairs of hell August 4, 2022
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Aka "tentative/trepidatious tap". Refers to the hasty and teeth-gritting "getting it over with" hand-slap that you give a metal door-handle prior to grasping it, to swiftly ground yourself and thus lessen the nasty wallop of a static-electricity shock that you'd otherwise get if you merely reached out timidly for the door-handle and caused a huge white spark to jump from "A" to "B".
I always perform the wary whack while running my errands around town during the dry winter months; the only problem is that my hand gets kinda numb and bruised after a while from all of that harsh pinging against the cold hard metal door-knobs and handles on the front doors of the assorted places of business that I have to go around to.
by QuacksO February 9, 2019
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