A person(guy or girl) who thinks he or she is a gangster, because someone in their family( cousin, brother, father, etc) is part of a gang. This person is highly pathetic and brings shame upon their non-gang affiliated family members.
Here is the way you can tell if someone is a Relative Wangster.

1) He or she will act like they can beat up anyone no matter what gender they are( kind of like those girls who think and act like they can beat up any guy or girl)

2) He or she, when threatened, will say that they will get their *insert gang affiliated family member here* and that they will gang up on you

3) Finally, he or she will talk shit about people who have either already beat the crap out of them or someone who they have never fought before.
by TheTruth about People June 20, 2013
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someone who is a white,wanbee,women,and whore gangster.
Did you see kelly and her gangster boy friend? Ya she is such a quadruple wangster (X4 Wangster)!

those girls you see who have these hardcore gangster boyfriends and they are white as hell!
by Leah J. November 17, 2007
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The combination of the word "wangster" meaning want-to-be gangster, and "twank" meaning tween skank. This phrase is used in reference to 10-12 year old girls who dress ghetto and have sex with a lot of guys.
That 12 year old girl with the hat backwards, the green bandana, and a gun stuck in the back of her baggy sweatpants who is having sex with three guys at the same time is a wangster twank.
by wangstertwank4lyfe November 3, 2010
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A Caucasian individual who dresses similar to an African American from the ghetto who walks with a stanky (weak) swag.
Bob: "Yo check out the new kid"
Ron: "Yeah hes such a Stanky Wangster"
by TrackieS#1 January 27, 2011
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i was talkin to wangster last night and then we had primitive, ball slapping sex.
by zambibool April 5, 2018
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Wangster; A white gangster
that Benny kid is a total wangster
by Fawktard April 20, 2011
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