"Walkies" is a term to describe the process by which a person walks to the detention-area/area-of-reprimanding in the school in which they are enrolled, due to having previously been sent their by teacher in the previous/current class.
"Man, I was forced to go walkies by my teacher, just because I was talking. It was so lame. Plus, I nearly died of boredom while in detention."
by WiseWeasel November 21, 2018
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When a person or, often a small group of people go for a walk in a densley populated area. People go on walkies usually when bored. Once on walkies, the group of people often simply wlak around and do stupid things including inappropriately socialising with strangers, tormenting shops and business' and defacing public property.
OH EM GEE, lunch time has gotten to be so boring since they ban us from using the oval. Let's go walkies!
by coinroller May 13, 2008
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A club in London full of cool people who use cool slang like 'blobbing' and 'deff'
Come on girls, lets g to walkiess!
by hellsybellsy February 2, 2010
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Derogatory term for able bodied people among the disabled.
Get all these walkies out of the way of my wheelchair.
by LNate93 October 5, 2019
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An Australian term for a lazy eye, or a wandering eye. Sometimes refered to as a "Wokie Eye."
by mistahtom July 28, 2005
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When you take some whore into the disabled toilet, and just before she gets lucky you drop an alabama fudge cake in the corner. While you're banging the sheila up the mud road you proceed to push her face into your hershey squirts.
You: Why is that girl that you just took into the disabled toilets rubbing her eyes?
Baz: I totally just gave her a Cardiff Walkie!
You: Fuck yeah! Wanna go get a kebab?
by Steamboat Baz December 7, 2006
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Accidental cell phone calls to your friends caused by buttons being pressed when your phone is in your pocket, purse etc.
Hey, Jill. You called me yesterday in the morning. I could hear your muffled voice in conversation. You were giving me the walkie-no-talkie.
by Smiller February 2, 2007
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