1. When an insult is so bad that it loses its status as an insult, and becomes a reflection of the person who said it's stupidity

2. To brush the salt off something.
1. Guy 1: "You suck more cock then KD Lang!"

Guy 2: *Walks away* "What an idiot, that was a total unsalt."

2. "Whoever salted these chips must be retarded." *brushes salt off chips*
by Arcs of Thaurissan November 14, 2009
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A connotation of the phrase “uncharted waters” to mean exploring a body of freshwater by boat or personal watercraft. A brand established in 2017 by Jamie Burnett for those boaters and lake lovers that spend time exploring freshwater lakes.
Scott and Jamie took the family out on UnSalted Waters and anchored in a slough they discovered.
by SouthernBoater July 20, 2018
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Holy, and i thot I came up with this expression "unsalted cracker" to describe someone..

Unsalted cracker: someone really boring.. no excitement, like there's no flavor.. no colour.. all flatness/no personality..
A little song to sing to someone who fits this description as an Unsalted cracker.."youuu've got!.. NO PERSONALITY, ZERO PERONALITY BORING BORING AND ALWAYS NOT HAPPY SO ADD A LITTLE PAPRIKA INTO YOU'RE PERSONALITY.."
by AliciamMOCTEZUMA February 1, 2008
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Uptight white person whos life is all work and no play and probably parts his hair.
The rich people across the street are unsalted crackers

PS:This is in no way hateful, I am white.
by KCJWhellz December 12, 2004
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Too be a very lame white person, generally directed to obnoxious white people.
Charlie: Yo azn man wtf are u doin in ma home town?? go back to china!
Lee: Shut up you Unsalted Cracker! Go get some salt, and fight me like a normal cracker!
by wonger180 March 15, 2008
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A Pirate that has not been on the ocean yet
The Unsalted Pirate is looking forward to going on the ocean.
by Charliesteel December 24, 2012
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An unsalted pretzel is someone that has no empathy or culture in their gut. They're simply not tasty; they don't even have any fucking salt.
You see, unsalted pretzels like you don't have the brains. I'm not a nerd, you're just not smart enough.
by sloth-coffee July 22, 2020
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