When you send an IM to someone as they are is finishing a sentence in another window and catch the last part of their message. Embarassing for the other end but somewhat pride-inducing for the "typowner".
MetaTagged: Hey.
SyndLig: ck.
MetaTagged: Typowned!
by Metatag September 15, 2005
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To be pwned by a typo. This often happens to Grammar Nazis and suchlike.
<random_guy_1>:Dude, that's now how yuo spell 'Cathedral'.
<random_guy_2>:Dude, that's not how you spell 'you'. Typowned!
by evil0verl0rd January 29, 2009
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Ownage of a person through the means of technology e.g msn, text
Rosie says:
your not even real
Jason says:
Thats horrible
Rosie says:
haha typowned!
by High Deff October 13, 2008
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