The act of furiously fapping your penis until you spludge a line of green chedder cheese
Dude i just twerk jerked all over that cunts face
by Mr. Bue November 8, 2013
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When you shake your ass in someone's face while jerking them off.
Guy 1: Yo did you see that chick's butt?
Guy 2: Yea I also heard she gives and nice twerk and jerk.
Guy 1: how do you know?
Guy 2: I was there...
by thisguysuka April 8, 2014
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The act of having an epileptic episode while giving a handjob
My girl has epilepsy and last night when she was giving me a handy, she started seizing and gave me the twerk and jerk.
by Mr.DirtNasty January 26, 2023
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