A statuesque and exceedingly thin woman who accompanies a narcissistic, divorced, or unconfident man on outings. Like arm candy, but with plastic surgery and gold heels. She will never be his trophy wife, however. That's not how she rolls.
-Hey, is Doug's divorce final yet?

-Yeah, and he's bringing his new trophy skeleton to the club tonight. She's gotta be a foot taller than he is.
by Shelley McIntyre December 4, 2007
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When a celebrity adopts a baby from an impoverished country.

Much like a trophy wife or husband, this baby is usually a symbol of status. And like the other spouse in the relationship, the purpose of the parent is to provide money and luxurious goods.
Me: Dude, Brangelina have a plethora of Trophy Babies!


Jack: Who is that cute black kid Madonna is holding?
by Yumlicious_RKFO April 24, 2010
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A "Trophy Ex" is the term given to an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, who is bragworthy after the breakup. Their hotness is so superior to the average boyfriend or girlfriend that one will continue to speak of them as "the one" ex that got away.
I used to date Pamela Anderson back in the day...she was my Trophy Ex. I will never have one at that level again!!!
by Paul R. Nation February 1, 2008
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A person who's biggest accomplishment in life is being the sperm that won.
I can't believe how stupid he is, fucking cum trophy.
by 11millerk2 January 31, 2019
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A lab or group partner for a school project chosen purely for their superficial beauty. Usually unitelligent and always unhelpful, the trophy partner is the school equivalent to a trophy wife.
Yeah, she's only a trophy partner.
by BariFan April 24, 2011
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sock that a man masturbates into without washing enough times that it can stand on it's own like a trophy.
Jimmy finally got his reward for jacking off so many times. Now a trophy sock sits on his dresser
by Sarah and Crystal July 4, 2006
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