The act of taking major hits that no one else can take.
Wow, he hit that bong tokey style.
by Anonymous February 27, 2003
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Also refered to as a "pokey", or a small penis that protrudes from the underside of a beaver.
by Anonymous February 27, 2003
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What you say to jerimiah when he has a few rips of the tokey
Jerimiah taking few rips of the tokey tokey
by Tokeytokey December 8, 2021
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The act of doing the "Hokey Pokey" but instead singing the lyrics to stoner music with a group of people while passing the weed.
You should have came to the kick back last Saturday, we did the Tokey Pokey all night long.
by Broseph12 May 7, 2010
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Means taking two tokes of a cigarette or spliff, mainly used by scene UK teens living in middle class areas
Person 1 - hey is that weed?
Person 2 - yes, yes it is
Person 1 - Tokey-Toke?
Person 2 - no, get a life.
by Livinliqid October 4, 2009
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When you take a small hit of fentanyl via pure powder and/or a blue. Then without exhaling you proceed to administer an equally proportioned hit of methamphetamine via the use of a bong
Yo, you wanna take a jokey tokey?

Okey dokey, homie
by Sam sach June 12, 2023
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