A vagina when used in combination with a Tadpole Cannon.
My Tadpole Cannon accidentaly fired in her Toad Hole, I hope we don't make any frogs.

I destroyed her Toad Hole with my Tadpole Cannon.

Her Toad Hole smelled like swamp when I sniff-tested her, but I still used my Tadpole Cannon anyway.
by Three Chauches October 18, 2006
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Toad in the hole is an English name for meat, sausage or lamb cutlets baked in batter. It is also an egg sautéed in a hole cut from a piece of bread and a traditional British dish that consists of sausages in Yorkshire pudding mix.
I might cook myself toad in the hole tonight.
by kingmustard May 4, 2005
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The phenomenom that occurs when a very small penis is inserted into a vagina and does not touch any part of it, thereby giving neither party stimulation.
I thought we were having sex but I guess I just have a toad in the hole.
by beeyebickiebuy March 28, 2006
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A human defecation in a golf green hole hot gopher that has cooled, hardened and is a little slimy like the physical texture of a toad.

Also, a British sausage dish of similar quality - usually the last option on the menu and the waitstaff usually deters patrons from picking it unless said patrons are being a-holes.
“Nice chip, Dave - looks like it’s in the hole but the pin is keeping it from falling.” (Dave walks up to the hole) “No Gary, it’s...something...else...” (reaches in with two fingers to grab ball) “hmm not sure what it is in there but it’s a little squishy.” (Pulls ball out with a small poo stain on one side of the ball...notices a stink and sniffs it) “Aw fuck! Some dbag hot gophered this yesterday and it fucking turned into a fucking toad in the hole! (Gary laughs) “Oh you think that’s funny Gary - catch!”
by Duckfartsoup May 1, 2020
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When you drop a big, fat steaming stool into a cavernous cunt. Thus, making the shit resemble the sausage in a toad-in-the-hole.
I made a spiffing toad-in-the-hole with your mother last Sunday. The parson enjoyed it very much.
by Captain Butt Soup December 15, 2017
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When you have a small, mushroom shaped penis that resembles the Nintendo character Toad and you insert it into a woman that you have paid to keep quiet about the encounter.
Wow, Donald Trump really gave ole Stormy Daniels a Toad in the Hole.
by GFMercy October 5, 2018
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