The gulu is a disease you get on your ball sack that makes it all purple and all the hair falls off your lower body.
Devon has the gulu and its infected
by Epicly_awesome3 June 12, 2010
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childish way of saying that your stomach is grumbling
my stomach is going gulu gulu
by ughbye May 9, 2015
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(pronounced as - Goo-loo goo-loo)

The sound that your stomach makes when it's upset or when you're probably gonna have an explosive diarrhea shortly.
1. Dude. Don't eat that leftover, it's gonna make your stomach gulu-gulu.
2. This kimchi made my tummy go gulu-gulu. I gotta take a shit, and quick.
by Altheon the Dyslexic September 23, 2022
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