Two inflatable rubber pool rings stacked on top of each other used in a game of the same name. The game can be described by the action of one of three players getting inside the two rubber rings and chasing the other players around the pool while they search for a pair of goggles known as the 'guh'. The main objective is to defeat the 'puh', in order to do this, you have to find the 'guh' and throw it at the 'puh'. The player who threw the 'guh' at the 'puh' and successfully defeated it stays a regular player while the other player swaps places with the first player and becomes the new 'puh'. The game repeats and has no official stopping point.
1 - Hey! Do you wanna come over to my house with (3) and play The 'Puh' later?
2 - I'd love to!
by A Small Marshmallow August 18, 2023
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A word used by Victor (the gangster) from big brother 5 in the UK. Used when youve just achieved something good.
after scoring an awesome goal, you shout: "PUH PUH PUH PUH!!!"
by Loz Trowell August 7, 2004
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Used by the youtuber "DashieXP" to express the word "pussy"
by TurduckenZilla May 19, 2016
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When someone is being a pussy or it's to describe the female sex organ.
Quit being a puh and man up and talk to that cute girl"


Did you get some puh tonight?"

In reference to getting laid.
by DieselKnows January 3, 2011
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shortened term for womens genitals
''you have a smelly puh''or ''did you get any puh??"
by huraj July 22, 2006
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Noun. (Informal): slang for pussy.
by YogurtTheCat August 8, 2016
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