A violent, turbulant or brawling woman.
Sakura Haruno from the TV series NARUTO is a termagant in many ways.
by Kaysuki March 3, 2011
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A spiteful, nagging or acid tongued woman.
My Grandmother was such a vicious old termagant, she could kill with one lash of her tongue!
by Mr Henderson Smith February 17, 2009
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A disrespectful and violent woman. Basically an old term for Karen.
Lizzy always threatens to call the manager. She's such a Termagant.
by infiynite August 26, 2020
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a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman, in other words a super bitch
My wife is a termagant mofo.
by digerati December 3, 2003
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Lingo used in different subcultures.
what's the right termage for "poser" in the ghetto? Wanksta.
by Justin Skinner February 20, 2008
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1. another way to say “term” (such as terminology)

2. a transition word from one sentence to another
“This is the exact termage, on the top of this paper.”
by prince.bear November 27, 2021
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