A rather complicated communicative device, transmitting images and sounds which aren't too important, as long as everybody, who's watching, somehow manage to get the message and finally comprehend what he\she REALLY wants.
Hey, honey! Know what? I've been watching a soap, and suddenly it downed on me: I need a new car! You wouldn't want your wife to drive this ugly old monster anymore, would you?
by fogey April 25, 2005
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the greatest discovery of mankind, it has shaped the USA in every way, shape, and form
by bigalo January 31, 2009
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a device for giving one's self eye cancer
Patient: Doctor i got eye cancer from watching too much TV.
Doctor: Well nothing we can do, we'll have to put you to sleep. Here, i have a nice dose of murder for you
by PlayDohMan May 11, 2004
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Television is what all Americans now thrive for and without, we would all be dead...
Without That 70's Show on last night, I would have died!
by King Jmandude April 25, 2005
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The source which a slow but effective process if emmited out of. It is a method of hypnotizing young teens, but not all, so which the government can fool most into thinking that there really is such thing as freedom. They'll come to get me now that their plot is out...but you must know! The truth is out there...their always watching...always...I have to go into hiding now...but beware! It's all a conspiracy!
Beware the television...
by MizJackson4Real March 6, 2003
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Guy: hey, I wonder what's on television.
Guy 2: you're a fucking dick, you know that?
by Simple Shit April 18, 2008
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An invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home.
"The television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home."
-David Frost
by Mertown June 9, 2007
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