Unbelievably tight NES game that you can play for hours, especially when you throw those 110 yard passes from the back of the end zone.

Oh yeah, and LT can block every extra point or field goal.
In my last Tecmo Super Bowl game, Barry Sanders rushed for 658 yards and 11 touchdowns on 34 carries. I passed once. It was incomplete, so I gave it up and went back to Barry.
by ACG2x January 21, 2004
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The game that dominates every other NES game ever made.
If you havn't played this game then you need to step back and evaluate your life.
by Pennycamp January 29, 2005
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The best video game of all time. Played on the original NES game console, the Tecmo game can provide hours of fun.
The New York Giants are the best team on Tecmo.
by TSB May 4, 2003
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n. Earthly incarnation of the Tecmo Football Gods, who are to be worshipped, and roundly feared. The best video game ever created.
"I whipped Jon's ass in Tecmo Bowl with the Patriots, and it made him cry like a little girl. Boo hoo."
by Mosi June 24, 2003
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When you are nailing a chick while the game Tecmo Super Bowl is playing on the television. There is no better soundtrack than the blips, bleeps, whistles, and grunts of the 8/16 bit era when hiding your salami. This move also gives you Masculinity +2.
Adam: "Is the game still at half time?"
Ken: "No, I hit the controller with my foot while nailing her."
Adam: "Still 8-0 Bears?"
Ken: "Yup. The Tecmo Super Bowl was completed."
by Kyle Willinger October 19, 2007
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