pronounced jukeball

Tchoukball is an indoor team sport developed in the 1970s by Swiss biologist Dr. Hermann Brandt, who believed that "The objective of all physical activities is not to make champions, but make a contribution to building a harmonious society". His aim was to develop a team sport which did not involve the horrific injuries which he viewed as plaguing other sports.

A Utopian sport that offers opportunities for everyone from 7 to 77 to play, no matter what their physical condition. played with one ball and two rebound frames on either sides of a normal sized court. points are scored my shooting the ball at the frame in a way that it does not hit out of bounds, hit the crease, or get caught by the opposing team. there are no interceptions in this game, along with no physical contact.

the tchoukball team scored an epic goal against the other team, chaos ensued.

tchoukball is an excellent, politically correct sport.
by Colin Van Every February 19, 2008
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Some dumb game your gym teacher makes you play in high school PE Class that has no point to it whatsoever and involves balls rebounding back into the court in order to score.
Paul: Dude, I can't believe Mr. Munell made us play tchoukball today.
Oliver: I know dude. I hate it!
by BritishBrummie March 23, 2009
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