If someone has fashion tabs open they read BL or hentai
Kaylin has a bunch of fashion tabs open on her pc, she prob reads BL like the bottom she is
by Shitty poopoo man December 17, 2020
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One who keeps multiple tabs open on their computer browser. Tab rats seldom close a tab and at times have so many open they slowdown or crash their computer. Confronted with unwanted audio playback they can have trouble finding the source as they sort through tab after tab. Analogous to a pack rat.
My mom the tab rat tortures her computer, never closing a tab on her browser while complaining about how slowly it runs.
by farbolous November 22, 2018
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Much the way we channel-surf on the TV or radio when we're bored, we also may be caught flipping from Facebook to Twitter to Pandora to UD. Hence tab-surfing. :)
Man, let's go do something. I'm bored off my ass just tab-surfing.
by lady_so_divine December 16, 2011
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Da key at da middle-left of your keyboard dat causes your computer tower to dispense a can of sugar-free soft drink when you hit said key.
Since Tab cola is no longer available in most stores, your computer's Tab key is often da only way besides mail-order to get some of said precious commodity.
by QuacksO December 20, 2020
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How many browser-tabs you've opened after researching something on the web.
Weather for tomorrow: Tab Factor = 1
Closest bakery opened on a holiday: Tab Factor = 3
Trying to decide which iPad cover to buy on Amazon: Tab Factor = 17
by brezelben February 22, 2015
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