He is the cutest and warmest person you will ever meet. He is an introvert. He is likely to have huge success in future. He has the most cutest smile in the world. If you give your heart to him. He will take care of you till his last breath. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask from the god. He is a gem. He loves maggi
by Rogen josh August 31, 2021
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Suyash is an Indian male name which means 'good fame'.

Suyash is a kind of guy who would love to talk...about himself...and about everything. He would be one of the sweetest people around. He can captivate you with his wits and humor.
suyash is not sooyash :)
by tiya123456 February 5, 2010
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Suyash is a super-hot Indian guy. He has great taste and is a massive bragger. (Why the heck not?) He attracts girls like moths to a flame. He is after all, on fire, captivating both sexes with his wit and humour. Guys tend to be jealous but being his friend is a great honour. All Suyashes are pretty fit too, excelling in whatever sport they choose to play. As if it couldn't get any better, he is a pure genius too. What's not to like? Indian girls, get ready!
Guy: yes! I'm suyash's friend
Girl: ur so lucky!
Girl 2: omg! I'm his new girlfriend!
Guy: I wish I were u
Girl: man, Suyash is just so hot!
by Guy lover November 9, 2013
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Suyash is a guy who is an introvert personality. But extremely extrovert in social media. They are creative, and have a very clever mind
Look at suyash's art, its amazing
by Oitri January 24, 2020
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A guy who can be nice at times but says he hates you (just because) but in reality he actually doesn't. He also loves ramen and eats that practically every day.
"I smell ramen in the kitchen. That can only be Suyash!
by RapperSana February 21, 2018
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Suyash Agarwal is a hot Indian male. He is a genuine genius and loves to dance. He is a guy of many talents and excels at sport too. He is often the funniest guy around and he loves to brag. A good choice of friend for both genders.
suyash agarwal
by League of Awesome November 3, 2013
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