A street or area where prostitutes walk and offer their services. The stroll is frequented by tricks seeking sexual services.
I saw this girl I went to high school with on the stroll yesterday. She looked like she was smoked out.
by Red October 9, 2003
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to wander in the hood.. to cruise in the car in the neighborhood..
i gave u tape full of dope beats to bump when stroll in your hood..
by Dr.DRE November 19, 2004
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When you are going to get high or drunk.
Yo, lets go stroll at my place tonight
I havent strolled in over a week...
by amnesiatic August 14, 2011
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to leave, or to run from someone, escape, get away from
oh shit the feds!, im bout to stroll
by shawnise722 May 31, 2009
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a rolling stop which is performed at stop signs that aren't busy.
"dude slow down, thats a stop sign."

"yeah, but there's never any cars going through it so i just stroll through. i can stop if i see a car then."
by frankinator October 23, 2008
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Where SHATERICA Makes her coins
Girl, I'mma bout to go get on that stroll and make them coins.
by Jacoriathickness November 13, 2003
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