A metal iron that is attached to a long leather strap to pull your self up on the saddle of a horse.
Put your left foot in the stirrup and pull your self in the saddle and try to get your right foot on the other stirrup.
by Horse.pony.senses December 11, 2016
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Top of the male shoulders beside the neck where a whore puts her feet to provide maximum stretch of her vagina.
That hoodrat was on her back and on my whore stirrups for three hours while I muscled her my whiskey dick!
by Flamin' Raymond June 9, 2009
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Women's stretch pants that feature a strap that goes underneath the wearer's foot.
Overweight women should NEVER, EVER wear stirrup pants!!
by oldgeezer October 16, 2009
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That month of suffering for equestrians/ When riding a horse during the month of November, you don't put your feet in the stirrups
Happy No-Stirrups November!
by bob236892 December 1, 2018
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When a man, angry with his relationship, pours syrup into in unfortunate significant other's ear, eventually drying and giving the man a sense of righteousness.
Jack: I'm so mad at Jessica, guess what I did??
Bob: What?

Jack: The syrup stirrup.
Bob: ....Dick.
by Cornchip01 February 21, 2015
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A man who has stirrups that extend from his arms at the flick of a wrist, in order to provide a comfortable place for his woman to put her feet while he eats her juicy pussy. Often one stirrup is equipped with a flashlight in case he wants to see the muff he is diving into.
I was making out with BJ last night and as he was starting to go down on me he quickly transformed into edward stirrup hands....it was amazing, I got to just lay back, relax and enjoy it without having to hold my legs apart.
by Tittsmcgee November 3, 2017
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