staten island is a borough of NEW YORK CITY you may not liik iit but guess wat that's wat iit is. all you ppl that shyt on iit that aiint even been 2 NEW YORK but talk bout iit liik iits your second home are faker then hell (LOOK WHERE U LIVIN aka NOT NEW YORK). staten island can B full of fakes but so can the Bronx. Brooklyn. Queenz. & Manhattan. or any other place U go, where U r don't make U fake who U r N how U act does. as far as staten island gurls being sluts or hoes completely false, staten island gurls r picky when iit comes 4rm getting wiit a nigga 4rm another borough cause yall niggas r the SLUTS n HOES fucking every hood rat bitch wiit a stink hole. ii don't rep staten island ii don't go hard 4 iit ii just don't appreciate all U ppl talking shyt so please STOP, THANK YOU!!!
nOn staten islander: your new right?


nOn staten islander: oOo so where you 4rm?

me: staten island.

nOn staten ialander:

(if even knowing bout staten) ewww ii hear iits maddd corny there!

me: mayb iit is mayb iit isn't but that's where ii was born N raised so have some RESPECT damn!!!
by iiTs_just.wat.iiT_is October 1, 2009
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1) Receptical of New York City's garbage (paper, plastic and human)
2) A place where the makeup is thick and the accents are thicker.
3) Where Italian people go to die
4) The forgotten borough of New York City
The five broughs of New York City are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and...and...and...Oh yeah, Staten Island.
by Anonymous November 10, 2003
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The armpit of New York City. Perpetually stuck 20-30 years behind the rest of NYC. Insane drivers, shitty public transportation (at least compared to the rest of the city).

Location of the world's biggest garbage dump. Full of pothead teenagers who somehow can't afford to pay off the tickets on the brand new car mommy and daddy bought 'em. People there tend to have an Italian grandparent who was born in the U.S. but act like everyone in their family's in the Sicilian mob. Has the world's worst drivers: everyone's a roid-raged Jersey Shore wannabe, hopped up on Oxy, or 90 years old.

Half a million people, but about 4 movie theaters and two bookstores.

Basically, take the worst parts of Brooklyn and Jersey and you've got Staten Island.
Maybe not EVERYONE from Staten Island, but face it, if you live there, you know people just like this.
by energo June 30, 2012
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Steve: Isn't Harlem a borough?
Justin: No, staten island is.
Steve: What's staten island?
by Justin December 24, 2004
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Staten Island was ok up until the early 90s. Now it has become a cesspool filled with guidos, wiggers, bad drivers and terrible traffic.
Staten Island teens: Yo son lets go to da mall in ma escalade.
by codered620 October 16, 2006
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Very segregated. Very few from the North will venture out to the South and vice versa. The mall acts an an epicenter for the two. The South is mostly White and the North is all the other ethnicity with a few in the middle.

Out of all the places in NY, I feel this is the most racist area I've ever been. Unbearable rude, spoiled, narrow minded, stuck up people. Everyone I've met has the same attitude and manners as Jersey Shore, slightly calmer.

It is a very closed off area, you only see residents on staten island. No one from other boroughs of NY.

Everyone that wants to fit in wear North Face, the black puffy ugly jacket. Parking is good but if you park in front of someone's house they will curse you out. Even though they have a corner house and a double driveway.

South Shore is deserted you will not meet people walking around. If you do, you don't want to be associated with them.

Public transportation is HORRIBLE. A commute to midtown, ny can be almost 2hrs one way!!!
Staten Island:

"I wear North Face, so I'm going to act conceded"

"Don't you dare park your car in front of my house, even though that spot is considered public and I do not own it. Even though it is common elsewhere in NY."

"I'm going to make racist comments to the minorities because they are clearly out numbered by living here."

"How did the bottom of your car get so scratched up?!?"
"That's normal, a pothole is the same size as the tire."
by Sybec February 21, 2012
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The forgotten Borough where you've gotten into arguments with people who think Long Island is the fifth borough. You refer to Manhattan as 'the city'. You call the ferry "the boat". You can name all four bridges. Denino's Pizza and Ralph's Ices are the best summertime treats ---and you will wait on line for 45 minutes just for a vanilla chip ice! You've gone sledding at Latourette. There is only one mall... and it's called 'the mall.' It takes you a half hour to get to your friend's house... and they live less than a mile away. You know it's Prince's Bay, not Princess Bay. You would never swim in the water here. At least one of your relatives is fluent in Italian.
You or someone you know has more than one matching velour sweat suits in their closet. You can smell the dump from your house but you're so used to the smell that you don't notice it anymore. You've gotten into a screaming match over a parking spot. Someone you know has a lifetime membership to Tanning Loft. Everyone you know claims to be 'connected.' You've hung out in a parking lot. You know the difference between Richmond Rd., Richmond Ave., and Richmond Terrace. You know that 'Mike' owns all the good diners. You refer to every highway on the island as 'The Expressway.' You've been cut off by a souped up Honda Accord with earth shaking bass playing. You have chased someone for cutting you off just to give them the finger. A development of townhouses has recently sprung up in your neighborhood. The shocks in your car are shot because you hit pot holes every 2 feet. You have the need to look at the people in the car next to you when stopped at a red light to see if it someone you know. You know never to walk on South Beaches sand with out Shoes. You've seen Method Man in the Mall at least once. The Monastery and Sea View aren't scary, just another place to drink. Everyone own a North Face jacket and has a Nextel. You wave at the weird leg guy when you pass the North Shore, and sometimes he waves back.
Staten Island: Everyone own a North Face jacket and has a Nextel.
by Anonymous647435 April 24, 2006
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