5th borough where im from. The North Shore is made up of neighborhoods composed of either minorities (St. George) or crazy rich white people (todt hill dongan hills) and is mostly wack. The south shore where im from is mostly guido-ass italian people like me most of whom buy every 50 cent cd but piss their pants at the sight of an actual black person, and aspire to be eminem. The girls down here are mostly hot, hotter than north shore girls or girls from any other boro.
Staten Island is cool from Eltingvile down, every where else you find ugly girls and gay kids
by nesh March 6, 2005
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People I don't like spotted at the Staten Island mall
People I don't like spotted wearing gold chains
by Mr. LS July 11, 2008
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staten shitty island home of the dirtiest chicken heads
Yo wat the fuck is that smell? It smeels like shit or hot ass or somethin,.. you smell that?
Oh thats just Staten Island, oh-well.
by lola latina princessa April 28, 2005
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ok there are alot of people here say crap bout staten island and like half of is not tru. kay the rich kids there not from south beach most rich kids in staten island are from todth hill. most ppl on the island are really rich or act like they are. yeah are accents are heavy and btw the WHOLE ISLAND IS NOT THE DUMP the dumps in fresh kills and so what if half the island is made if itlians .you don't know nothing unless you live there. yea sadly we're the forggetten brough but who cares cuz everyone know staten island is the best. and there is only one mall and basicly one highway and 4 bridges. we're not wannabee's and WE ARE THE ORGINAL GUDIOS/GUDDETTS.
if your from other broughs and you say staten island sucks they why are ppl mostly from brooklyn and queens moving here ?.
by brandnizzle November 7, 2006
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the fifth borough "da forgotten borough
"i live in staten island and lemme tell da real deal. the south shore is where u will find all da italians and da rich kids. theirs only one place where you will find rich ass kids in escalades and dat is todt hill. if u live in the north shore like west brighton (where i live) its just like brooklyn especially since everyone 4rm their is basially from brooklynnn. da rich kids woudn last a day in da places in the north shore. i also moved from brooklyn and da place i live in (west brighton) has far more crime den mi old neighborhood. if u are white den da north shore is not 4 u. go 2 todt hill or down south. as for da north face jackets - yea it is tru most of us wear em nd da u will hear a nextel chirp every 5 seconds. and wichevr ignorant dumbass came up wit "every one noes eachother in the boro" dat is NOT tru. how stupid can ya get staten island is getn madd populated and da traffic grows everydaii.if u don bleve me come down near da west brighton projects or somewhere near dat ...ull noe wut im talkin about. its NOT white
white kid from pennslyvania"lets go 2 staten island!"
white kids frend "yeaa i herd its white so well fit in"
dey go down 2 west brighton
white kid "oh nOoOo dis is not white!!!"
black and latino kids comin at dem
white kids frend "we shoudn hav worn these bandanas and doorags!!"
by tunabear October 8, 2006
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A borough that doesn't even deserve to be counted as a part of the NY Metro Area. Staten Island should just be counted as a part of dirty-ass jersey.
Get rid of Staten Island, throw Mount Vernon, Yonkers, and New Rochelle together, and you've got yourself a real 5th boruough!
by BRONXREP July 14, 2006
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