This term is used for when you are in public restroom and you are trying to go #2 and another person enters the stall next to you. You wait for that person to leave so they cannot hear your poop noises. If that person has to poop as well you may be caught in a poop stand-off.
Christine:"Where have you been? You've been gone for more than 30 minutes?"

Laura: "I got caught in a Poop stand-off with Jen from Sales, she just wouldn't leave!"
by Awesomom February 18, 2009
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when more than one car approaches an intersection at the same time. All the cars stop and wait, each insisting that the other goes first.
dude, sorry I'm late, I was caught in a minnesota stand off with some soccer mom, haha!
by hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh April 10, 2006
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When 2 or more male personnel’s grab and cuff-link their balls to fight to the death, while only using their cuffed balls as weapons. No other gestures can be implemented during this show down.
When I went to my friends house, my two friends got into an implication In regards to feeling if their manhood was threatened. This altercation was then settled by having a testicular Stand-off.
by Mau-Man October 16, 2020
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A Canadian stand-off is a situation where in which two or more individuals are are tryin to pass each other in a hallway or intersection, and when confronted with the question of who will move first or have the right of way all of the individuals refuse to move saying things such as "no you first." Or "by all means." In this situation every one is too polite for any action to take place.
Tom: you first

Jack: no no by all means you sir
5min later....
Jack: boy that sure was a Canadian stand-off.
by yack juan Carlos horski August 6, 2013
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Similar to a quick draw, but with 2 Muslims. The first one to blow up wins.
"Heading down to the Muslim Stand-off! My money is on Abed!"
by screenhopper23 December 13, 2011
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A situation in which weapons, espcially guns, are pointed or aimed at a number of persons by a number of persons.
There's a mexican stand off in the movie True Romance.
by HybridFlare June 20, 2005
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