Contrary to popular American belief, snogging is just kissing- not full on lurve action. Full on kissing, yes- but a snog does not define any other sexual act.
I got a little snog off him at the end of the night.
by Chyna August 13, 2004
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Being snogged: Getting very sloppily kissed.
"Man you got super snogged last night"
by Emily March 29, 2005
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British children's and young adult's slang for "Kissing". It also describes a lusty wild kiss...
by J. Michael Reiter August 20, 2003
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1. verb; to interface passionately with another being, creating a field of physical obsession and focused arousal +centered+ on the lips, mouth and tongue.

2. verb; to play tonsil hockey

3. verb; to give comfort or show affection to a fellow user of an internet forum. (syn: /lick, /spamHug)
"...the world melts away into a clutter of noise and shadow when we're snogging..."

"...let's snog, baby."

"Awww, sorry to hear that Joslo. /snog."
by Niix Starkyller June 3, 2004
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The British way to say "kissing". For best results, use an accent.
He wouldn't stop "snogging" Lucy!
by Snogg January 13, 2010
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The British version of the American term "make-out". Most Americans use it to conceale the true meaning in a conversation from those who do not know the meaning. Also, some prefer the word for personal reasons.
Their folks caught them snogging last night.
by Holcomb July 20, 2005
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A term to describe heavy kissing like a french kiss.
They were snogging at the bar yesterday.
by Remotely Qeued For Life November 14, 2003
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