242 definitions by Emily

yea + yup = yeap
yeap i will do that for you!
by Emily October 2, 2003
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Nobody had fun on Halloween because it was unmakefunofemilyish
by Emily October 29, 2003
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The CD's that help America's youth and young adults learn about America's "great" administration.
Hated by right wingers, loved by liberals.
Did you buy the new Rock Against Bush CD?
by Emily April 13, 2005
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A person that has sex with a building.
"Whoa, look at that surgio humping the Carnegie Library!"
by Emily May 24, 2004
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What rappers call MTV's Video Music Awards.
Yo, bam! Dis year it'z like da battle of da booties.
by Emily August 23, 2003
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A word that you use instead of cursing.
You are full of bull snibbles~!!~
by Emily October 5, 2004
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